New and Updated Layout for Job Search

What Is It?

Job seekers are instantly repelled by career portals that are cluttered and have complex interfaces. In fact, it’s one of the key reasons why some career sites have such a high bounce rate.  If you can make the job search pleasant for the job seeker with a well-designed, attractive and user friendly portal,  there’s a much greater likelihood that the job seeker will be encouraged to spend more time exploring it, which could eventually even lead to them submitting their application. 

At Talentera,  we attach a lot of importance to our portal’s layout and design as we believe that it has a considerable impact on how the job seeker engages with our portal. We’ve therefore been relentless about maximizing our design’s functionality and performance.

To that end, we’re happy to announce that our new layout for job search  has finally arrived. The highly functional, responsive and revamped design prioritizes user experience, improves navigability and will make job searches feel like a breeze for job seekers!


Who Gets It?

This enhancement is available for access to all Talentera customers. If you wish to learn more about this feature, please get in touch with your account manager as they will be happy to help.

If you’d like to speak with an expert to learn how Talentera can improve your company’s recruiting processes, please get in touch.