Easier Evaluations with High-Visibility Average Scores


At the start of this year, we at Talentera introduced Candidate Scorecards – dynamic evaluation forms that made it easier for assessors to objectively evaluate candidates through a structured format. These scorecards were designed to help recruiters reach high-quality decisions and document feedback that could be shared across the entire recruitment team.

To bring higher visibility and, consequently, quicker decision-making against the scores obtained by candidates during their evaluations, we’ve added a new feature that allows you to:

– Filter through Evaluation Forms added against a candidate’s CV

– View the Average Score obtained by the candidate in the chosen evaluation form

This tool becomes particularly useful when you have multiple assessors using the same, or different sets of evaluation forms to evaluate a candidate. Instead of juggling between each submitted scorecard, you can simply open the candidate’s profile and filter out the scores of the evaluation form you plan to see. Here, you will be able to access individual scores granted by each assessor along with the average score on the evaluation form displayed right on top.

To test this out, here’s what you have to do:

Just choose an evaluation form of your choice in CV Activities:



After choosing the form, you will be shown the filtered results based on the form you selected, along with the average score across each evaluation:



Alternatively, you can also view average scores in the Evaluation Forms section of each candidate’s CV:



With easier access to these forms, right from the Candidate’s Profile, we aim to make it even more convenient for your recruitment team to spot the best candidates with minimal hassle and reach data-backed decisions on your future team of star performers.

This enhancement is available for access to all Talentera customers. If you wish to learn more about this feature, please get in touch with your account manager as they will be happy to help.

If you’d like to speak to an expert to learn how Talentera can improve your company’s recruiting processes, please get in touch.