The New Jobs Listing and Summarized Overview

We are thrilled to announce the launch of the highly anticipated new jobs dashboard!


Transform how you source and manage your applicants’ pipeline, and experience an upgraded job posting and listing experience like never before.


How? Allow us to demonstrate:


To help best manage jobs listing, the design has been revamped and relevant jobs’ data grouped together in one place for easy access and referencing.




Now you can see all you need to know about your jobs and your entire applicant pipeline for each job post in one glance. Also benefit from the convenience of taking quick actions on a specific job, or filter your jobs to narrow down your jobs view to a specific criteria.


See a Quick Overview of your jobs.

All you need to know about you jobs is now in one place. Total number of aaplicants, job status , job owner , days left to expire job



View your Sourcing Progress for all jobs From the Jobs Dashboard

View how many candidates are in each stage at any time. You can even navigate to them directly to view candidates CVs.

Narrow down your jobs view to a Specific Criteria

Filter jobs by job status, where it is being sourced, job location or the job owner.


Take Quick Actions

Place your mouse on the more button to find more actions you can take on a job. You can share your job with a teammate or duplicate the job post to make a similar one.


More Details

Reveal more details about your job hovering the more details, see how many times the job has been viewed or searched by job seekers.


Coming Soon – New Job Posting Revamp