Improved Jobs Management: Sort by Job Title

What is it?

With so many positions to fill, we want recruiters and hiring managers to make the most out of their time spent behind the desk by ensuring quick access to all vacancies related information.


Talentera’s new feature update now allows users to enjoy sorting based on job titles in alphabetical order as our commitment to continue making our hiring technology more user-friendly by the day.


Why does it matter?

Efficiency is the backbone of powerful recruitment- the speed at which you hire can make or break performance targets. This is why the Talentera team works hard with unstoppable determination to connect users to information that is important to them at a click of a button.


Speeding up hiring, improving user experience, and making recruitment seamless with quick access to essential jobs’ data adds much needed flair to your talent acquisition strategy (insert high five here).


How does it work?

Sorting jobs alphabetically based on their job titles is easy breezy for users, here’s how to do it:


1) Choose “My Jobs” from the menu bar; select the sorting option in the upper right corner. In the drop down list, you’ll find a new option labeled “Job Title”.



2) Once you choose the “Job Title” option, your jobs listing will automatically rearrange to appear in alphabetical order:



Accessing the jobs that are high priority doesn’t get easier than this, take advantage of the phenomenal speed so that you can get more work done in less time.



Who gets it?

This enhancement is available for access to all Talentera customers. If you wish to learn more about this feature, please get in touch with your account manager as they will be happy to help.


If you’d like to speak with an expert to learn how Talentera can improve your company’s recruiting processes, please get in touch.